The Emo

This is the best among others...
then u will ask,"WHY?"
I said that not because I'm emo.
I put a lot of effort in doing this one that's why it is the best lor.
And I 100% sure that you'll agree with me after you see it with your eyes and touch it with your,a little bit too over,haha,but it's true...
So,let me intro a bit about it first.

This is the menu or profile page,means it is provided for the diary owners to express or introduce themselves.What you saw is just an example that I did.

This is the second layer cover,as you can see,there is a tear dropping girl holding a white square box which can allow you to see through her.

Here comes the main cover,it is half transparent while the bottom part is full black...
You will see her red eyes through the half transparent paper...
This is the bookmark for this emo series diary.

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