Midnight Action!

As you can see there are 2 characters in the photos...
Well, AML U2 students are kind of weird...
or shall we describe them as "special"
because they like to do things that normal people will not do.
Anyway,those were the happy times...
We do crazy things doesn't mean that we are crazy;
We do not follow rules doesn't mean that we lack of discipline.
We just enjoy our life in a different way.

5 Thoughts:

Julia Y. said...

"We do crazy things doesn't mean that we are crazy;
We do not follow rules doesn't mean that we lack of discipline."


leechon said...

aha...the pictures are kinda blur, r u inside it as well? sound interesting

ZongYen said...

>Julia = Yea,that's our motto!

>LeeChon = haha,i am the cameraman,the 2 characters inside are my classmates named WeiChuan and JunWei.

Nobita Swan*.^ said...

haha...crazy and funny~~looks like you are having fun over there .. nice^^

ZongYen said...

hehe,yea,that was fun,u wanna try?