My Refreshment - April Delight

There was a sales going on from 1st of April to 12 of April at Sri Petaling Hotel near my office.
Since Ella and Julia wanted to buy running shoes, I told them about the sales but Julia could not make it because she went back to Kuantan. Ella and I went for it on 4th of April, Sunday.

There were many brands involved in the sales, Puma, Adidas, Camel Active, Admiral, etc etc. They were having big dicsount but some of the items already out of stock and left those rejected stock only. In the end, we still managed to choose the pairs we wanted. Ella bought the Puma, I didnt know what model then I got the Adidas Commander LT TD - Blue. Arh, I wish that they have red in stock because the red is damn sexy weh.Mine is blue in colour. So below are some unboxing photos.

1 Thoughts:

ella said...

nice shoe~so good if that day got red color! lol:D