Brutal Princess is 21!

The Brutal Princess is 21! Puteri invited us to her Brutal BLACK birthday party but what I heard is BBQ. Besides, we are being told that we will have surprise from the Brutal Queen. We do not know where is the place and we were waiting for Puteri in front of the Zoo Negara.

Julia in the car playing with her BB.

We gathered in front of Zoo Negara.
It was like gathering haram because all of us were wearing black shirts.

Wani and Me.

All of us wore blacks and accidentally we formed a Geng Perodua because all the drivers drove Perodua Kancil, Kenari and Myvi. The actual place was Isi Rimba, a relaxation place which has horse riding, pain-ball, and much more but the journey through the jungle was really creepy and scary.
The Brutal Queen - Puteri's Mom, really brutal. She prepared a ghost themed party for the Brutal Princess. Haha, the surprise she gave to Puteri was the license to MEROKOK.
The Brutal Princess was blowing candles.

Puteri and her "boyfriend".

Julia , Ella, and Puteri.

So brutal~

The sexy hotdog couple.

The juicy grilled lamb.

Buffet style.

The cute cat.

I didnt manage to shot much photos because I still sucks. Haha, most of the photos cacat. Anyway, Happy Birthday to Brutal Princess, Puteri.

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