My Brands

Finally I manage to blog again...
And this post is about my brands.
Well, I think this post will grow longer because there are so many brands that catch my attention...and damn... $$$ is the major issue!

AE is not AfterEffect... AE is AcousticEnergy.
When come to HiFi, I choose AE.

--------------------------------------------------------- I love vodka and I drink Absolut!

CoolerMaster is my favorite brand for PC chasis.

TommyHilfiger - My perfume.

Sennheiser - My first choice for headphones.
Razer - I just love it.
More and more...coming soon...

5 Thoughts:

Julia Y. said...

can i tiru your blog aa??

Julia's Brands.

Honyin said...

i'll get you some russian vodka then=)

ZongYen said...

Julia@ Not tiru la,takda copyright pun...u also can blog about ur brand~

HonYin@ Hah,okok,good,then thank u first~

tychoy said...

I love your Sennheiser...n the way u took all those pics...=)

ZongYen said...

Hehe,wanna get 1 for urself? ^^ anyway thank u ya,I am still learning photography~