A Day With YP & YH

After that Friday scouting... We went to Pavilion again to hunt for our targets.
First we went to buy some egg tarts then headed to the Snowflakes.
After finished our egg tarts and snowflakes, we started our hunt!

We were so busy hunting untill forgot to take photos...

For dinner, we went to Palate Palette because YongPin never been there before.
Yet, he likes it~

Mr. Yunn Horng.

See, he was enjoying himself~

Yunn Horng with his Super-pahit Kopi~

Yunn Horng's Steak and Cheese Sandwich.

My Apple Mint and Palate Salad with Tandoori Spiced Chicken Breast.

YongPing's Thai Roast Beef Sandwich.

Above were some photos that I took while waiting for food~

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