Today is Friday.

Ya, Friday, I kept reminding myself that today is Friday because I had an interview in the morning~ Well, I will keep the story of my interview for another time and skip to the Friday activities...

Yeah, after I reached home, I called for accompany... In the end YunnHorng & YongPing turned up. First we planned to watch movie but failed because YunnHorng will be having Japanese class and exam. So we just simply took a walk... had a tea session by enjoying the snowflakes... then took our dinner in Ichiban Boshi (hope that I spell correctly). After dinner, YunnHorng headed to his Japanese class. Then YongPing & I continued our walk... Well, both of us saw our beloved targets but the sad case is that we did not have $$$ Haiz...

YongPing was looking for a jacket and he found one~ Handsome~

He also look handsome in this~ He always handsome~

I looked like those samseng or MatRempit~ Damn~

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