Yen's Femininity

Ha, it has been a while since my last purchasing...
I promised myself that I will not buy anything and actually I just changed my way, moved from PC hardware to audio field.
I stopped spending on PC but I didnt give up on it and I still keep myself updated.
Yet audio is wide and I choose to focus on headphones.

Being a audiophile or a headphile is fun as you will have a certain requirement when listen to music or songs.

Ok, let's start with this topic - Yen's Femininity.
The below headphone model is ATH-AD700 from Audio-Technica.
Audio-Technica is from Japan since 1962.
This AD700 is their mid-end series headphone.
Hmmm... After trying out this one, I was thinking "Maybe I should try the high-end one next"

AD700 is a Open-air Dynamic type headphone with 53mm driver.
Personally I feel that it has wide soundstage, more towards neutral and balance sound but it lacks of bass. Well, bass is not the main issue here because I am not a basshead.

Okay, it brings the "Femininity", and you will ask "WHY?".
You will know the answer after you wear it on your head.
The AD700 is super comfortable to wear and it is so SOFT.
You will not feel that you're wearing a headphone when you're really wearing it.
Yea, I know this is hard to believe but I think you will agree with me after you try it.
Actually I think that this headphone is more suitable for a girl.
Why? Because of its colour - Pinkish Purple...

With 32Ohm impedance, this can is easy to drive, not really need to be amped.
Just direct connect it to your PMP (Portable Media Player) and it works fine.

I think I will stop at here.
There is one thing that I didnt mention above - price.
So, if you are interested to know its price please ask me in private,haha.

5 Thoughts:

tychoy said...

yea... quite curious about the price... haha...but i really don't know about what are the specs that should be in consideration when buying a head set....

ZongYen said...

Haha, we can discuss about the price when we meet again.

It's all depend on what kind of songs u listen to geh... But if u wan to use it for ur recording then I think monitoring headphone or DJ headphone is more suitable for u.

There are many things to consider...

As for the specs, first thing that u should consider about is its comfortability. And then u can either choose open-air,semi-open or closed-back.Well, there are differences between them.U also must consider about its impedance, headphone with higher impedance needs an amp to drive it.

And for other specs such as frequency,sound pressure or THD can be considered after that.

Comfortability is the first place,haha,it must can let u wear them until fall asleep for the whole night.

tychoy said...

wao... monitoring headphone, DJ headphone,open air, semi, closed-back, impedance, frequency, sound pressure, many to learn... haha...paiseh..

comfortability,....true... my headphone makes my ear so pain after hours using it...

ZongYen said...

Haha,no need paiseh la~
Yep,there is many things to learn and consider about when u're choosing the right one~

When ada chance then I let u try mine. ^^

tychoy said...

waoo... cool... haha..